With an abundance of rosella's comming on here's my solution,
Rosella Jam
8 cups rosellas
1 choko
quarter pineapple
3 pink lady apples
3 cinnamon quills
4 star anise
sugar to taste 5 cups, some say equal amounts to fruit to sugar,but i enjoy it a little tart.you will figure this bit out with your own judgement.
Seperate your rosella flesh from the seeds.(fun times)
boil the seeds for 40 minutes with 2 star aniese and a cinnamon quill and water to submerse,this will release the pectin vital for a thick set jam.
Dice choko, pine apple and peeled apples.
submerse and Boil choko in water for 40 minutes or until soft, add apples pine apple rosellas and remaining star anise and cinnamon quills,keep submersed and simmer for a further 20 minutes.
Add the sugar to taste and the pectin and simmer for 30 further minutes ,remember to stir frequently and to not over cook as you will loose the rich red textures of the rosellas.
To get the most enjoyment from your jam call up some one of the older generation i.e (stuthy) and get them to bake some fresh scones!
Other ideas for your jam,
jam donuts
rosella glazed pork belly
impress a girl with your 'jam' skills.